Nick Penny
Nick Penny

Name: Nick Penny
Email Address: musicindustryservices@hotmail.co.uk
Mobile: 07801 650 977
Office: (01594) 839226
Position: Mayor
Status: Active
Sub-committees & Responsibilities
- Clock Tower Restoration and Reparation Committee
- The Halls Charity (Trustee) Representative
- Coleford Christmas Lights Representative
- Bells Foundation Representative
- Wye Valley and Forest of Dean Tourism Association Representative
- Forest Economic Partnership Representative
- Coleford Twinning Association
Declaration of Interest Forms
Nick Penny updated Feb 2025.pdf
I rejoined the council in 2011 (have previously served as a councillor between 2003 and 2007) with a passion to serve the community of Coleford in the best way I possibly can. My particular strengths are tourism, marketing and promotion, and events management – all of which form a strategic part of the Council’s plans for Coleford.
In May 2015, I led my fellow Councillors to develop a four year plan to allow us to structure and focus our plans for the four year term of office. This plan is reviewed regularly and forms the backbone of our annual budgeting process. The structure from this process alone has seen the Council delivering significantly over the last term of office with projects such as the Tourist Information Centre, Bells Field, Twinning with St Hilaire de Riez, the return of Coleford Music Festival, Improved gateways to the town, repairs to the clock tower, strong tourism promotion, and improved communication with our parishioners being just a few examples of this delivery.
I served as Deputy Mayor from 2014-2017 and now have had the privilege of serving as your Mayor (2017-current).
In October 2018 I was awarded the prestigious title of NALC Star Councils Councillor of the Year which is a UK wide recognition of my work as a councillor for Coleford and the leadership role I have played with our delivery. This has allowed me to promote Coleford in magazines, online and at conferences on a national level which is great promotion for our beautiful market town.
My priorities for this next term of office will be to ensure all members quickly undergo the relevant training and development activities to allow us to continue to function as an efficient team in serving our community and then I will once again look to lead the development of a further 4 year plan to form the backbone of our delivery over the coming years, taking on board the significant evidence gathered through the process of preparing our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).