See for more information.

Community Newsreel - Spring 2025


March 2025


Carols around the Christmas Tree

Coleford Clock Tower


December 2024

Remembrance Service 2024

Coleford Clock Tower


November 2024

Sportily Event


August 2024

D-Day 80th Anniversary Commemoration

Coleford Clock Tower


June 2024

Canopy Arts Fest

Coleford Town Centre


June 2024

Spring 2024 Grant Awards


April 2024

Remembrance Event 2023

Coleford Clock Tower


November 2023

Remembrance Event 2023

Coleford Clock Tower


November 2023

Community Grant Awards Autumn 2023


October 2023

Newsletter - Autumn Edition 2023


October 2023

Warm and Well


September 2023

Don’t have gas heating? Want to save on bills?

Do you live in Gloucestershire or South Gloucestershire?

Do not have mains gas heating?

Is your home hard to heat (EPC rating of D, E, F, G)?

Is your total household income under £31,000 per year?

If you answered yes to all these questions, you could qualify for free energy-saving upgrades to your home

Call 0800 500 3076 or to find out if you qualify.

Pride of Coleford Awards Nominations



September 2023

Nominations for this years Pride of Coleford Awards are now open.

If you know of an unsung hero that volunteers in the Coleford area please don't forget to put in your nomination. These awards are a great way for the Town Council to be able to say thank you to the wonderful people who help to make our community the amazing place it is to live, work and play.

Deadline for nominations is 30th September 2023.

Sportily Event! - Free Pop-up Sports and Activities!

Bells Field, Coleford, GL16 8BG


August 2023

Sportily, in partnership with Coleford Town Council, bring you an afternoon of various sports & activities, to be enjoyed by children and young people! At Bells Field, on Sunday the 27th of August, 2023, 1:00pm - 4:00pm.

Skate Jam!

Bells Field, Coleford, GL16 8BG


August 2023

We are pleased to be working with Forest Voluntary Action Forum - FVAF and the Forest of Dean Youth Association, to bring this great event to Bells Field, on Thursday 24th August!

Vacancy: Coleford Town Council Clerk

Coleford Town Council


August 2023


Coleford Town Council is seeking to appoint a forward-looking Town Clerk, with the necessary knowledge, skills and experience and to manage its Administrative Team, and support Council Members to deliver our aims in a timely, organised manner, sharing our values of excellent community service.

Coleford Town Council serves a population of 9275 (2021 census) in the wider Parish, providing a wide range of services, including Tourist Information Centre, cemetery management, and community leisure facilities such as King George V Playing Field, play areas, and Bells Field. The Council has 13 elected members with a regular annual budget in excess of £500,000.

You will act as Proper Officer, responsible for all legal and (with the Responsible Financial Officer) financial provisions relating to the Council. This includes the proper administration of all Council meetings and effective implementation of decisions. You will have excellent inter-personal skills to develop healthy working partnerships with local and regional stakeholders and especially with the people of the community.

You may be a current Town or Parish Clerk, looking for a new challenge with a bigger Parish, and budget, or, if you have not worked with Councils before, have particular transferable skills and an interest in this level of Local Government. The successful applicant will have a proven record in administration and financial management with experience of managing a small team. You will be required to attend evening Town Council meetings and other meetings as needed. This may involve some weekend work during the year.

Competence in IT such as Word and Excel is essential, with knowledge of website administration.

The role will also involve project management, including preparation of reports and funding applications.

Coleford Town Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community, and has also signed, and abides by, the Sector's Civility & Respect Pledge.

• Hours: 32 over 5 days (including evenings and occasional weekends)

• Salary: SP 33(£39,493) - 36 (£42,503) pro-rata

• Office-based: CTC at address below.

• Mileage: payable for meetings external to the office

• Qualifications: CILCA is desirable, but can be undertaken with training

Application Pack from our website at

Completed Application Forms should be returned by midnight 15 September 2023 either by post or email, marked Application Form Confidential


The Town Clerk, Coleford Town Council, No. 1 The Town House,

Lords Hill Walk, Coleford, Glos. GL16 8BD

Interviews will be held in the week commencing 2nd October 2023

Please contact: Chris Haine, Town Clerk Tel: 01594 832103 with any queries

3 Acres and a Cow

Coleford Baptist Church


May 2023

Coronation Weekend Update!

Coleford Town Centre


May 2023

Our Coronation Event is now getting near, with just over a week to go!! 

We hope you are able to come and join with us, for this Historic Event!
As part of the Coronation weekend activities and in the spirit of King Charles’s wishes, having had the 'Proms Style' Event and unveiling of the commemorative stone on the Saturday (stone unveiling approx. 3:00pm / 3:15pm), to encourage community gatherings on the Sunday for the 'Big Lunch' alongside the drama Event at the Baptist Church: 3 Acres + a Cow.
Then, Monday for residents to get busy tidying and enhancing the Parish, as part of a ‘Coronation Spring Clean’, either attached to known volunteer groups, or with friends and neighbours, taking a Pride in Coleford!
Look out for updates, including further details about the food & beverage free £5.00 voucher, timings and upcoming competitions!
Traders, don’t forget about getting busy with the Coronation themed shop window competition! You should have already received a letter and more information is available from the Town Council, if needed.
To be judged on the day!

Coronation Celebrations - Saturday 6th May

Coleford Clock Tower


May 2023

Newsletter - Election Special Edition


March 2023

Cemetery Working Party

Coleford Cemetery


February 2023

Many thanks to our dedicated volunteers for all of their hard work at Coleford Cemetery on Sunday 26th February.

The oaks were relieved of some of their ivy burden!

Battle of Coleford 2023

Coleford Clock Tower


February 2023

Another hugely successful and enjoyable event by the members of the Sealed Knot marking the Battle of Coleford, which took place in 1643

Pride of Coleford Awards Nominations


September 2022

Nominations for this years Pride of Coleford Awards close next Friday (30th September). If you know of an unsung hero that volunteers in the Coleford area please don't forget to put in your nomination. These awards are a great way for the Town Council to be able to say thank you to the wonderful people who help to make our community the amazing place it is to live, work and play.

Proclamation of the accession of the successor to the throne


September 2022

Proclamation of the accession of the successor to the throne.

The reading of the Proclamation for Coleford will take place at the Clock Tower at 6pm on Sunday 11th September.

All members of the community are welcome to attend this historic moment.

During the Proclamation (from 11am Saturday 10th until 1pm Sunday 11th), the Union Flags at Bells Field and the Clock Tower will return to full mast in line with protocol.

Our book of condolence will be open over the weekend as follows in the Town Council Office, No 1 Lords Hill Walk, Coleford: Saturday 10th - 12 noon until 3pm, Sunday 11th - 12 noon until 3pm. From Monday until Friday next week the book of condolence will be open between the hours of 930am and 4pm.

Members of the public are invited to lay flowers in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the clock tower. We respectfully ask that all cellophane and plastic is removed prior to laying them please. Flowers will remain in place until the morning of Tuesday 20th September.

God Save the King.

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Coleford Clock Tower


September 2022

At 10am this morning Cllr Nick Penny, Mayor of Coleford will lay flowers in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the Clock Tower. Members of the public are welcome to also lay flowers in this area to pay their respects. Flowers will remain in place until the morning following her Majesty's funeral.

A book of Condolence will be opened at 11am in the Town Council offices (Lords Hill Walk), and will be open from 12 noon to 3pm on Saturday and Sunday, and then between 930am and 4pm through the coming week.

God save the King.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


September 2022

Coleford Town Council offers its heart-felt, and sincere, condolences, to the Royal Family, and the Country, on the death of Her Majesty Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms, and Territories.

Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

Covid-19 Update (July 2020)

Coleford Town Council


June 2020

Covid-19 Update (July 2020)

Whilst there are hopeful signs that the covid virus is diminishing, with less cases being confirmed, there is still high risk, and ‘social distancing’ rules should still be applied, and respected.

It is encouraging that communities are beginning to take steps forward to re-establish some level of normality, although we must asll still take account of Government advice, to prevent any resurgence, and second wave of cases, etc.

In turn we also recognise that some parishioners, will still be isolated, and not able to leave their homes, and the Town Council therefore continues to be active, as a ‘Community Hub’, particularly still serving the more isolated, vulnerable residents of the area, especially in respect of prescription, and grocery deliveries, as well as other more specific needs, and errands, etc.

Councillors and staff seek to do all that we can to help, wherever possible, in this continuing, and challenging situation. Also still working with a greatly valued, team of volunteers, who we owe such appreciation to and, just being available, even not used – as yet, has been no less valued. A true testimony to a Community ‘pulling together’.

The well-being, safety and security of all parishioners and visitors, remains paramount, and our main office is now fully re-established, and open to the public. Office Hours:09.30 am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday

The main office has been risk assessed for staff to work safely, with clear protocols, and procedures, in place, regarding ‘social distancing’, for visitors attending the office also.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, if we can help in any way, as we continue to work for you, just contact us via telephone: 01594 832103

Contact also via Facebook Page, this website or


Out of hours, pleae call the following number: 07754 015292

Please keep a watchful eye on Facebook, and the notice boards, should you need help, or information, so you know what to do, and who to contact.

Telephone boxes, bus shelters & town centre notice board will be our information places in the parish, and updates will be posted there.

Please follow Government advice see…/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-res…

Coleford’s Resilience Plan is in place.

Coleford community is working together

Coleford shops are increasingly opening, and stocks are being maintained, on the shelves. Please only buy what you need.

Our Chemists will take calls re: prescription delivery

Ring/email us if we can help and support

Stay Alert >>> Control The Virus >>> Save Lives >>>
Keep Safe >>> Keep Well >>> Take Care >>>

Note: Please see added Coleford Local Services Covid 19 services Coleford May 2020 (as at May 2020, and subject to change, as traders increase their opening hours).

Coleford Town Council Corona Statement

Coleford Town Council


March 2020

Covid-19 Update

Note: Please see added Coleford Local Services Link Covid 19 services Coleford April 2020 (as at 30 April 2020)

The Town Council continues to be active, as a ‘Community Hub’, particularly serving the more isolated, vulnerable residents of the area, especially in respect of prescription, and grocery deliveries, as well as other more specific needs, and errands, etc.

Primarily undertaken by a number of available Councillors, and a wider, greatly valued, team of volunteers, who we owe such appreciation to and, just being available, even not used – as yet, is no less valued. A true testimony to a Community ‘pulling together’!

The well-being, safety and security of all parishioners and visitors are paramount, and our offices are available, as a point of contact, by telephone, although still closed to the public until further notice.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, and we continue to work for you, just contact us via telephone: 01594 832103

Office Hours:09.00 am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday

Contact also via Facebook Page, this website or


Out of hours, pleae call the following number: 07754 015292

The Councillors and staff will seek to do all that they can to help, wherever possible, in this continuing, and challenging, situation.

Please keep a watchful eye on facebook, and the notice boards, should you need help, or information, so you know what to do, and who to contact.

Telephone boxes, bus shelters & town centre notice board will be our information places in the parish, and updates will be posted there.

Please follow Government advice see…/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-res…

Coleford’s Resilience Plan is in place.
Coleford community is working together

Our shops are open and have stock on the shelves. Please only buy what you need.

Our Chemists will take calls re: prescription delivery

Ring/email us if we can help and support

Foxglove Way, Stepbridge: New Play Equipment

Coleford Town Council


February 2020

Foxglove Way, Stepbridge: New Play Area Equipment

The Town Council are pleased to announce that new play area equipment is to be installed, and work begins in the next few weeks, to upgrade the existing play area facilities on the Foxglove Way, Stepbridge Estate, following consultation with residents, the Town Council and, a specialist company: Creative Play, who are experts in this field, and plan to complete this installation by Easter 2020.