Great Oaks need your help! Chocolate Donations for their Easter Bingo night! Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks need your help! Chocolate Donations for their Easter Bingo night! Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Orchard Trust Movie Night. Wednesday 26th March at 6.30pm. The Lodge, Orchards Trust, Lydbrook.
Orchard Trust Movie Night. Wednesday 26th March at 6.30pm. The Lodge, Orchards Trust, Lydbrook.
Great Oaks Bereavement Cafe. 2nd Thursday of every month 2-4pm. 01594 811910 or email clerical@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks Bereavement Cafe. 2nd Thursday of every month 2-4pm. 01594 811910 or email clerical@great-oaks.org.uk
Forest Business Climate Charter. Find out more www.fep2050.co.uk/forest-business-climate-charter
Forest Business Climate Charter. Find out more www.fep2050.co.uk/forest-business-climate-charter

Hoarding Group

Group Rules:

1. Confidentiality. What is said in the group, stays in the group!

(Unless something of a criminal nature is disclosed where we have a duty to report)

2. Always be respectful.

3. Listen without interrupting. We value everybody’s input – but also understand that some people may not feel confident in speaking within a group setting.

3. Do not judge.

4. Be supportive and encouraging

5. Only share what you feel comfortable with sharing.

6. Please refrain from using any offensive language!

We aim to provide a confidential safe space for people with hoarding behaviours to support each other. We can offer practical advice, empathy and understanding - however it is your lived experience that will provide a unique insight and understanding of this complex issue affecting approximately 2.5% - 6% of the population.

Welcome to the Coleford Hoarding Support Group

FoD Hoarding Support Group in Coleford at The Main Place. 11am-12.30pm. Call 01452 324019.
FoD Hoarding Support Group in Coleford at The Main Place. 11am-12.30pm. Call 01452 324019.
Forest of Dean District Council has just launched Community Grants 2025 to 2026. To help you fill in the application form, attend a session across the Forest. contact volunteer@fvaf.org.uk or 01594 822073.
Forest of Dean District Council has just launched Community Grants 2025 to 2026. To help you fill in the application form, attend a session across the Forest. contact volunteer@fvaf.org.uk or 01594 822073.

Get Help To Unlock Your Community’s Potential!

Forest of Dean District Council has just launched Community Grants 2025 to 2026.

This one-off funding is open to not-for-profit voluntary and community groups in the Forest of Dean to help build stronger, more cohesive communities.

To help you fill in the application form we’ve teamed up with Gloucestershire Rural Community Council to offer drop-in sessions or bookable slots across the Forest:

18 March 2025 | Sedbury Village Hall & Sedbury Space

Drop-in: 10am - 11am

Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm

26 March 2025 | FODDC Offices, Coleford

Bookable slots: 1pm - 3:30pm

7 April 2025 | Sixteen Community Café, Coleford

Drop-in: 11am - 1pm

10 April 2025 | Newent Memorial Hall

Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm

Drop-in: 12:30pm - 1:30pm

1 May 2025 | Ow Bist - Forest Community Space, Cinderford

Bookable slots: 11am - 12pm

Drop-in: 12pm - 1pm

PLUS: Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership will be on hand to offer support on 18 March, 10 April, 1 May.

Learn more about the FoDDC Community Grants and download the application documents HERE

For more information or to book your slot, contact us at volunteer@fvaf.org.uk or 01594 822073.

Great Oaks Easter Craft Fayre. 5th April 11am-3pm at The Club House, Sling. Contact Debbie 01594 811910.
Great Oaks Easter Craft Fayre. 5th April 11am-3pm at The Club House, Sling. Contact Debbie 01594 811910.
Great Oaks Easter Pantomime. 13th April at 2pm. Bells Hotel, Coleford. Adults £8, under 16 £4. Contact Debbie 01594 811910.
Great Oaks Easter Pantomime. 13th April at 2pm. Bells Hotel, Coleford. Adults £8, under 16 £4. Contact Debbie 01594 811910.
Artspace Cinderford, Summer Programme is OUT!
Artspace Cinderford, Summer Programme is OUT!

Artspace Summer 2025 Programme is OUT NOW!

Artspace Cinderford are delighted to announce our new Summer programme of arts courses, for all ages and abilities, is OUT NOW. From painting to pottery, from drama to drawing and from circus skills to textiles, we have a really exciting programme of fully inclusive, accessible creative opportunities. We have courses for adults and for young people, on weekdays, evenings and Saturdays.

Download the Artspace Summer 2025 Programme

Visit our website for more information

Stage to Screen listing. Visit merlincinemas.co.uk for more info
Stage to Screen listing. Visit merlincinemas.co.uk for more info
Studio Cinema. 14th March-20th March. www.merlincinemas.co.uk
Studio Cinema. 14th March-20th March. www.merlincinemas.co.uk
Event cinema listings on at Studio Cinema in Coleford. Visit www.merlincinemas.co.uk
Event cinema listings on at Studio Cinema in Coleford. Visit www.merlincinemas.co.uk
Last Thursday Eternal Triangle 27th March @ 7.30pm. Evergreen Hall, Broadwell. £10.
Last Thursday Eternal Triangle 27th March @ 7.30pm. Evergreen Hall, Broadwell. £10.
The Dented Bascinet Intro Sundays for a range of taster activities. Sundays 10.00-13.00. 13 Gloucester Road, Coleford, GL16 8BH.
The Dented Bascinet Intro Sundays for a range of taster activities. Sundays 10.00-13.00. 13 Gloucester Road, Coleford, GL16 8BH.
The Tufthorn Seed Exchange from Coleford Grows. Give and take seeds from April. Contact colefordgrows@gmail.com
The Tufthorn Seed Exchange from Coleford Grows. Give and take seeds from April. Contact colefordgrows@gmail.com
Saturday Fever at Lydney Town Hall. 29th March 3pm-7pm. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Saturday Fever at Lydney Town Hall. 29th March 3pm-7pm. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks Hospice Chocolate Bingo Night. Bells Hotel, Coleford. Weds 16th April. 7pm. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks Hospice Chocolate Bingo Night. Bells Hotel, Coleford. Weds 16th April. 7pm. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks Hospice Upcoming Events for 2025. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Great Oaks Hospice Upcoming Events for 2025. Call Debbie on 01594 811910 or events@great-oaks.org.uk
Coleford Baptist Church Les Musicales Variations French Gospel Choir and Coleford Community Choir. Friday 28th March at 7.30pm. £5 a ticket.
Coleford Baptist Church Les Musicales Variations French Gospel Choir and Coleford Community Choir. Friday 28th March at 7.30pm. £5 a ticket.


Come to Artspace to enjoy a group workshop in our fully equipped art studio in Cinderford.

Proof of eligibility when accessing free courses or concessionary tickets, will be required on enrolment. As these courses are popular, we do ask that eligible FREE learners are available for the whole course.

These fun creative courses are designed to help inspire learners to develop their skills in small groups and provide encouragement and opportunity for ongoing learning, developed confidence and independence.

These courses are *FREE for Gloucestershire residents over 19 years old and on low wage brackets or not currently in employment and/or with fewer than 5 GCSE’s (level 2) including Maths and English.

If you are not eligible for free funding, fees are advertised for each course.
*Concessionary rates are available for those with a disability or who are in receipt of means tested benefits.

How to book or enquire:
Our courses are very popular so early booking is recommended. Please follow the links below to book onto a course directly. Alternatively, call us on 01594 825111, drop into Artspace between 9:30-4:30 Monday – Friday, or email coursebooking@artspacecinderford.org

What is Multiply?

Multiply is a national fund aiming to help adults aged 19+ improve their numeracy skills. It is specifically for those who have *less than a level 2 maths (That’s a GCSE or O level grade C or above or a CSE level 1) or who have a need to refresh their skills.

What’s maths got to do with art?

Well actually you might be surprised at just how much maths you are using when making art, without even realizing it! Our range of multiply courses will help you to feel more confident about your number skills whilst producing your own fantastic artwork.

All Multiply courses are completely FREEfor eligible learners*, and learners will also receive a pack of lovely art materials to take away with them at the end of the course.

For more information and to book a place contact us on 01594 825111 or email coursebooking@artspacecinderford.org

Participate in the Artspace Postcard Fundraiser Show call 01594 825111 to request a pack
Participate in the Artspace Postcard Fundraiser Show call 01594 825111 to request a pack

Participate in the Artspace Postcard Fundraiser Show

Join us in supporting Cinderford Artspace’s mission to make art and creativity accessible to everyone in our community! Participate in our Postcard Fundraiser and help us raise essential funds for Artspace’s building and programmes. Pick up a postcard pack from Artspace, unleash your creativity, and send us your masterpieces by Monday 31st March to see your work featured in our Summer Postcard Show

Here’s How It Works

1. Get Your Postcard Pack

Swing by Artspace to grab your pack, email us at info@artspacecinderford.org or call 01594 825111 to request one. Suggested donation is £2 (If you want a pack sent in the post there will be a £1.50 charge)

2. Add Your Stamp
Whether you draw, paint, or collage, make each postcard uniquely yours.
The theme for the gallery is: What does Artspace mean to you?

3. Post it Back to Us
Drop your completed postcards in the Artspace Post Box
or send them to: Artspace Cinderford, The New Mercury, 3 Woodside Street, Cinderford, GL14 2NL

4. Join Us at the Gallery
This summer, your artwork will be showcased in our community postcard gallery, where every piece is up for sale.
Every purchase contributes directly to funding Artspace’s creative initiatives!

Looking to support Artspace further? There are plenty of ways to get involved! You can donate, volunteer, organise a community fundraiser, make an in-kind gift, or even leave a gift in your will. Membership and donation options are available on our website or reach out to a member of the Artspace team for more details.

Forest of Dean District News

Energy saving tips that could help you this winter

A rise to the energy price cap in January means the amount suppliers can charge per unit of electricity and gas will increase by 1.2%. If you are worried about how this will affect you, Severn Wye Energy Agency, which runs our free Warm and Well service, can help.

The service can help with:

  • Liaising with your energy supplier to help manage any debts
  • Advice on making your home more energy efficient
  • Accessing support when times are hard
  • Grant funding to help with the cost of home improvements such as boilers, insulation and central or low-carbon heating

Contact the FREE advice line today on 0800 500 3076 or visit the Warm and Well website.

Forest of Dean District News. Keep you warm.
Forest of Dean District News. Keep you warm.
Forest of Dean District News. Local Businesses
Forest of Dean District News. Local Businesses

Forest of Dean District News

Listening to businesses across the district

As part of our Listening to Business initiative, we took a trip to businesses in Newent, Cinderford and Coleford to discover what’s going well and to understand some of the challenges they face.

We spent time with Greenhills Coffee House, Forest Tailoring, Scoff's Coffee House and the Dog House in Coleford, as well as The Museum of Board Games in Newent.

If you are part of a business and interested in meeting officers and councillors to discuss business in the Forest of Dean, please get in touch by emailing: regeneration@fdean.gov.uk

Forest of Dean District News

Support for victims of domestic abuse

As part of the 16 Days of Action campaign that started on the 25th November 2024, we've been working to publicise the support that is available for victims of domestic abuse across the district.

Officers have been working with local businesses, including pubs, cafes and restaurants to promote the 'It happens here too...' initiative. This includes putting up posters on their premises to highlight the different forms of domestic abuse and the help and support that is available.

We've also been working with partners from the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) to highlight the training and advice that is available for both residents and businesses.

Click here for more information

Forest of Dean District News. Domestic Abuse
Forest of Dean District News. Domestic Abuse
Forest of Dean District. Flood Support.
Forest of Dean District. Flood Support.

Forest of Dean District News

Help available for those affected by flooding

If you're a resident who has been affected by the recent flooding, we will assist with freecollections of bulky household items, including sofas, white goods e.g. fridges, freezers, washing machines. We cannot collect bricks, tiling, flooring or DIY waste.

The full list of items that can be collected can be found here.

Remember that if you've been affected by flooding, please report it on the Gloucestershire County Council website. This will help with preventative measures moving forward.

For highways updates, please check the Gloucestershire Roads page on Facebook, or at the by clicking here.

For more advice, see our dedicated flooding webpage

Home Start Mothers in Mind peer support group, go to www.homestartnwglos.org.uk/referral for more information.
Home Start Mothers in Mind peer support group, go to www.homestartnwglos.org.uk/referral for more information.
Home Start Mothers in Mind peer support group contact information. Mondays in Cinderford, Tuesday in Newent and Wednesdays in Lydney.
Home Start Mothers in Mind peer support group contact information. Mondays in Cinderford, Tuesday in Newent and Wednesdays in Lydney.
How to access Healthy Start vitamins in Gloucestershire. www.healthystart.nhs.uk/how-to-apply/
How to access Healthy Start vitamins in Gloucestershire. www.healthystart.nhs.uk/how-to-apply/
Better Housing, Better Health Service. Contact 0800 107 0044 or visit www.bhbh.org.uk for more information and support
Better Housing, Better Health Service. Contact 0800 107 0044 or visit www.bhbh.org.uk for more information and support
Pedal Eazy e-bike rental scheme through GCC. Please visit their website for further information
Pedal Eazy e-bike rental scheme through GCC. Please visit their website for further information
Greener Gloucester tree warden flyer. Scan to join as a tree warden.
Greener Gloucester tree warden flyer. Scan to join as a tree warden.
Mental Health are support groups in gloucestershire. Forest of Dean - fourth Thursday of the month between 1pm and 3pm. Contact Linda 01989 730951
Mental Health are support groups in gloucestershire. Forest of Dean - fourth Thursday of the month between 1pm and 3pm. Contact Linda 01989 730951

Appeal Launched for Imjin Memorial to Honour Brave Glorious Glosters from the Forest of Dean

Coleford, 21 October 2024: An appeal has been launched to raise funds for a memorial to commemorate local veterans who fought with 1st Battalion, The Gloucestershire Regiment (Glorious Glosters) in the famousBattle of the Imjin River in Korea, 22 – 25 April 1951. The Imjin Veterans’ Memorial will honour fifteen men associated with the Forest of Dean to recognise their bravery in battle and unwavering camaraderie and spirit to survive over two and a half years in the inhumane conditions of the prisoner of war camps in North Korea. The list of names will include Roy Mills from Cinderford, who sadly, passed away this month, and veterans from Coalway, Coleford, Dymock, Littledean, Mitcheldean, Newnham, Ruardean and Ruspidge.

The Battle of the Imjin River is widely recognised as one of the most fierce and intense military actions involving British Forces and is revered to this day in the Republic of Korea for saving Seoul, the country’s capital, from communist occupation.

The memorial is being overseen by the Imjin Veterans’ Memorial Steering Group, which was formed following aForest of Dean District Council motion on the 70th Anniversary of the battle. The group comprises Cllr Julia Gooch, Chair; Roger Deeks DL Vice Lord-Lieutenant; Anny Reid, Royal British Legion Trustee and National Memorial Trustees Chair; and Andrew Gardiner, author and veteran engagement representative.

“Following the70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River, it became clear that we need a place where the actions and bravery of our veterans - who were just young national servicemen in April 1951 - can be remembered for future generations,” said Roger Deeks DL Vice Lord-Lieutenant. “Sadly, the recent loss of Roy, whom we all remember with so much respect and fondness, has added an extra degree of poignancy to the Imjin Veterans’ Memorial Appeal.”

Julia Gooch, Chair of the group and District Councillor, “I hope everyone who loves the Forest, and its rich history will dig as deep as they can into their pockets and help raise the £18,000, we need to make this brilliant and much-deserved memorial a reality.”

The walk-through memorial, which has been designed by Andrew Gardiner, will be built by local company,Grail Engineering, and installed in theCyril Hart Arboretum, near Speech House, Coleford. The design was inspired by the ‘freedom archway’ through which the veterans passed when they were released from captivity in 1953. Also featured are three plaques to bear the names of the veterans, commemorate Forest of Dean freedoms and rights, and honour the special relationship between Gloucestershire and the Republic of Korea. It is hoped the location of the memorial will make it a popular place for remembrance and an excellent option for school educational visits.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the appeal can do so by visiting theImjin Veterans’ Memorial page on the Forest of Dean District Council website fdean.gov.uk/ImjinVeteranMemorial orJustGivingjustgiving.com/crowdfunding/Imjinmemorial.The names of all donors will be recorded.

Forest of Dean national servicemen on their way to Korea in 1951
Forest of Dean national servicemen on their way to Korea in 1951
Mock-up of the Imjin Memorial, designed by Andrew Gardiner, brother of Imjin veteran
Mock-up of the Imjin Memorial, designed by Andrew Gardiner, brother of Imjin veteran
Understanding Autism Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Understanding Autism Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Mental Health First Aid Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Mental Health First Aid Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Counselling Skills Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Counselling Skills Level 2 course. Call 01226 958888 or email info@wefindanylearner.co.uk for more info
Green skills course. Pictures of man laying solar panels and a wind turbine. Email skills.bootcamps@sgscol.ac.uk for more info
Green skills course. Pictures of man laying solar panels and a wind turbine. Email skills.bootcamps@sgscol.ac.uk for more info