
Coleford Town Council is an example of a council in the first tier of Local Government, set at a local level, it is closest to the community it serves. Elected on a four-yearly rotation, these councils raise their own precept – part of the council tax. That money is used to operate the Council and deliver services to and for the parish. Created in 1894, such councils may only act within the statutes of law, and exercise powers and functions as set down.

Effectively Coleford is served by 13 councillors who together make up the corporate body. The Town Council as a whole makes the decisions. Each year the Mayor is elected by the councillors, and they become the Chair, but have the same position as any other councillor, save for a casting vote, should it be needed.

Usually the Full Council meeting occurs on the last Tuesday of the month 7pm in the Council Chamber, with Committee meetings where recommendations are put forward on the intervening Tuesdays.

These Committees are: