
Next Meeting

30 July 2024

Planning Committee

Coleford Town Council Chamber Tuesday 10:30 am View Details

All meetings of the Town Council are held in the public domain. This means that the public are permitted to attend and listen but not participate except at the invitation of the Chair. At the start of the regular monthly Full Council meeting is a 10 minute slot for the public to raise any issue concerning the parish.

Occasionally where a matter is sensitive eg a staffing or a contractor issue the Council may choose to hold these items “In Committee” which excludes the public attendance.

Every meeting must be advertised with 3 clear days’ notice of the matters to be discussed. Agendas for all meetings are displayed in the Town Council window.

All agreed payments from April 2022 onwards, can be found within Full Council Minutes. Previous payments authorised prior to April 2022, can be found under 'ARCHIVED PAYMENTS'

Archived Payments

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Upcoming Meetings

July 2024
Tuesday, 10:30
Coleford Town Council Chamber

Planning Committee Meeting

Planning Committee

July 2024
Tuesday, 19:00
Coleford Town Council Chamber

Full Council Meeting

Full Council Meeting