Coleford Neighbourhood Development Plan Review
Coleford Neighbourhood Development Plan Review
Consultation Workshop. Thursday 13th March at 6.30pm. The Main Place, Coleford.
Consultation Workshop. Thursday 13th March at 6.30pm. The Main Place, Coleford.

NDP Review update: A huge thank you to everyone who attended the NDP Review Consultation Workshop on the 13th of March.
We had a great turnout and appreciate the valuable input and ideas shared!

If you would like to know more, please read below for more information. 
If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to complete the NDP Review survey on the below link:
or contact CNDPReview@outlook.com for more information. 

We want your views on the future of Coleford

Get involved in reviewing Coleford’s Neighbourhood Development Plan(CNDP), which will help guide and shape land use and development in the parish. FoDDC use this alongside their emerging Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework to decide on planning applications.
Coleford Town Council will be responsible for the final review document, but we need skills, expertise and interests of local people to create this. The current CNDP, now seven years old, runs until 2026 so it’s now time to review and decide how we see Coleford’s future. So whether you live, work, go to school or just visit Coleford regularly we’d like you to help create the vision of how the town might look in years to come, to shape decisions that will affect the way the town grows and flourishes.

This affects the whole Coleford area so your opinions are important if you live or are involved in any of the surrounding villages and areas, including Coalway, Milkwall, Broadwell, Mile End, Forest Grove, Scowles and Whitecliff.

Census data over the last twenty years shows Coleford’s population grew by just eight people between 2001 and 2011, but there has been a steep rise in population since then. 2021 figures show an increase of more than 900 people, a ten percent growth in a decade; mostly as a result of extensive housing development. We will reflect on how that rapid rise in population has been dealt with locally and how to make provisions for further expansion.

You can express your opinions on a whole range of issues–let us know what matters to you and listen to what affects others. The town centre, the local economy, housing, community and community facilities, transport and infrastructure, the natural environment and historic environment are all subjects for consideration in our ever-changing community.

If you’re not familiar with the 2017-2026 plan it can be found on the Town Council website at: https://www.colefordtowncouncil.gov.uk/neighbourhood-development-plan/current-plan
There are details near the start to explain in more detail what NDPs are about.
We plan to set up steering groups and theme groups, and reach people who are just interested, who we can keep in touch with, and encourage dialogue, to make sure we are doing our best to make plans that improve things for everyone.

Please send your email address to CNDPReview@outlook.com and we will be in touch as we progress.

If you’d like to find out more, keep an eye on this page:
If you are keen to be part of the process, or just interested in the future of Coleford, please come along on Thursday 13th March at 6.30pm to add your voice.

Getting Started

Checking vision, assessing made NDP; identifying new issues

The following link is a downloadable version of the 

Consultation Form: Vision and Assessment of Policy Areas 

which can be saved and emailed to CNDPReview@outlook.com

Devise Design Code

Finding Evidence for Themes

Drafting the NDP

Final Consultation

