
General overview of weather conditions in relation to the hazard (Cold) next 5 days

High pressure is expected to persist across the southern half of England for the first half of the week bringing mostly dry conditions. Sunny spells by day, with frost and some patchy fog overnight in the south. Often cloudier in the north. Towards the end of the week it will generally turn a little more unsettled, with some rain or showers likely to develop, more especially in the west, along with milder temperatures. Cold Health Alert thresholds are not expected to be reached.

General overview of weather conditions in relation to the hazard (Cold) 6-15 days

A continuation of the milder conditions with a chance of some rain or showers, to start the period. However, there is an increased chance of a trend towards more settled but colder conditions developing into next working week. Cold Health Alert thresholds are considered unlikely to be met at present, albeit with an increased risk. Towards the end of this period a gradual return towards milder and more unsettled weather is likely.

General overview of weather conditions in relation to the hazard (Cold) 16-30 days

Confidence is low for this period. A continuation of the weather pattern from the end of the previous period is likely at first, however there may be a trend toward longer drier spells developing again later in the month. Above average temperatures are favoured overall, but with some colder intervals remaining possible. Low impact Cold Health Alerts are considered a low probability.