Case Studies

The White Hart is a very positive change to the Town Centre in the last few years. The owner has revitalised a key building in Market Place, and improved services in the centre. And it’s been done with a listed building, in a Conservation Area.
Volunteers helped to put together the CNDP Character Assessment (Appendix
A) which describes in detail the nature of each part of the town, its location,
history, look and linkages. This enables the context for changes or new development
to be linked into policies which guide style and design, keeping the character of the town and its heritage
unique to Coleford.
Town Centre Policies
CTC3 Enhancing Coleford Town Centre
CTC4 Supporting Town Centre Retail and Service Provision
Historic Environment Policies
CHE1 Protecting and Enhancing Local Character
CHE2 Protecting Heritage Assets
2. Economy

CNDP helps to keep the Town Centre as a focus for shopping and services:
- the development of two out of town restaurants on Arthur Cooper Way was
refused by FoDDC and went to Appeal. That was dismissed due to potential
harmful impact on the Town Centre economy.
- CTC funds the Tourist Information Centre, which moved to Mushet Walk 2024
to promote the Active Travel link into Market Place - see Community
Regeneration Plan- and aid the enhancement of Gateways into the Town (CITPA2)
Policy CE1 Supporting Tourism Development gives priority to the functioning service centre for residents as well as visitors whose business supports the local traders. CE2 Protecting and Supporting the Development of Local Employment 0utside the Town Centre was used by CTC and FoDDC to refuse residential development on an existing employment site at Coalway. The Appeal was dismissed.
3. Housing

Affordable homes offer a way for younger people to stay locally, renting or in shared equity, allowing a way into the housing market. FoDDC requires 40% of developments of 10 or over to be affordable. The developers at Tufthorn considered the specifically allocated site in CNDP, and decided to increase the proportion to 100% affordable. Furthermore, solar panels were built into each home at construction to reduce energy costs and adapt to climate change.
With increased numbers of housing being desired
by Central Government, policies to allocate sites to appropriate places are
likely to be needed. Coleford will be advised of the number required by FoDDC
in their emerging Local Plan, but we can assess and decide on locations. See
the sites which are still to be constructed from the current CNDP and think
where more might work.
CH1 Small housing development sites
CH2 New housing
CH3 Sites outside the
Town Centre, within the Parish of Coleford (NDP area) which are part or wholly
4. Community and Community Facilities

When Covid hit us in 2020 and
Coleford’s Resilience Plan was activated, one of the most appreciated places
was Bells Field. Coleford Town Council
led on this £1.2m investment, following the consultations and the policies in
Bells provides more than
- Wildlife area and pond
- Breathing space, accessible to all
- Community event space
- Health and well-being
- Informal recreation used by dog walkers
in a responsible way
Section 106 money, derived from new developments, helped
greatly to fund this: so Retaining and Enhancing Community Facilities (CC1), creating an extra
CC3 Local Green Space (CC3) and also Maintaining the separation and distinctive
identity of settlements (CC4).
5. Historic Environment

Coleford’s Hidden Heritage App was developed under Forester’s Forest, but we should encourage residents and visitors alike to learn more. It is a good way to persuade them to stay, find out and have a cup of tea/ something to eat while they do. That sustains local small businesses, which keeps our services in place.
In 2025 the Coleford Story will begin, with the first
heritage tiles being installed in the pavements around the town, in the
Conservation Area. The QR code and link to the App will take them on. As people
know more, this will Protect and Enhance our Local Character (CHE1) and Protect
our Heritage Assets (CHE2).
Appendix G lists the undesignated heritage sites that people
valued in 2018,some of which have been a focus for discussion regarding planning applications. Are there more which
need adding?
6. Natural Environment

An additional conservation area is working in Coleford Cemetery, helping to give a longer time for seeding of wildflowers to promote biodiversity. The cowslips, primroses show up well against the Irish yews.
A group of stalwart volunteers
work at Bells and the Cemetery regularly to promote the Green Infrastructure
Comments made by CTC to
conserve the green area between the Town Centre, often flag up Policy CNE2, The
Green Ring. This has been used in decision-making on a number of applications,
at the new Medical Centre, Coalway, Broadwell, Mile End. Click on the following map link which shows its importance to keep the Eastern Arc and Southern Arc separate, with
their own identity (CC4).
Overall, CNE1
Protecting and Enhancing Local Landscape Character in Coleford &
Surrounding Settlements is the start of trying to be more active in adapting to
climate change, allowing shade and different spaces in the various
neighbourhoods to flower.
7. Infrastructure, Transport and Pedestrian Access

Coalway Bus Shelter
Replacing the shabby breeze block construction with the glass bus shelter has renewed not just that facility, but a whole new green area. The new street furniture has “reduced clutter and reinforced the identity and distinctiveness of the area “ (see CITPA2 Through Routes and Gateways & CITPA1 Transport and Movement).
CITPA3 Local infrastructure for health and well-being supported a new Medical Centre in the centre of town, but to date this has not been achieved.
GCC Flood Authority has been working with Coleford Town Council to minimise risk, addressing CITPA4 Flooding and increased capacity in water systems.
They have worked on the culvert which leads into town from Thurstans Brook/Gloucester Rd